You say…
We respond…
“OUR company has sinking margins and we are now starting up innovation WORK”
Pollen will help you set an innovation strategy, e.g. define when and where to innovate by first understanding where to play not to loose and where to play to win. That will be the first step in building a sustainable innovation factory. The next step is how, through the innovation culture:
“I want to build a strong innovation culture in my organization”
We know what you mean but will everyone else in your organization? Instead of defining core values or deciding what animal your culture resembles, let’s break down culture into clear innovation behaviours and get practical in smaller groups.
“I’m tasked to develop one of our products in order to retake our market leading position”
Seeing new problems is sometimes needed to identify new opportunities. Following a process is often needed to learn fast. Exercising correct behaviours is always needed to innovate.
“Sounds familiar, what is the next step?”
Setting up a meeting to go through your current situation and wanted position, together we paint a picture of the possible solutions for filling that gap. We promise you a Pollen moment (TM).
How we do it
We help you become better innovators by putting an innovation strategy and an innovation culture in place. Those who do, achieve a 17-30% higher value and profit growth (Booz, 2011). We also help you create better innovations through our process for running innovation projects, called “Aim, Think, Do”.
Even though these three paths have different starting points they need to be connected in order to build your sustainable innovation factory.
…in order to help our customers outsmart their competition
The art of embracing uncertainty