Creativity in VR
Exploring broken customer experiences or technical problems inside VR has a number of benefits compared to a physical creativy workshop. Participating from home instead of travelling helps you meet sustainability targets, as well as cost. Digital objects makes it possible to meet inside the engine, on the DNA ladder, and use any visual/3D material. In addition to hard output, eg. number of high ranked inventions and testable hypotheses, VR makes it possible to measure soft output in the intra-personal innovation behaviors that we optimize and train you in.
Random input and chance in VR workshops
The creative methods we use, as well as the innovation behaviors we optimize in VR are proven in the physical space, as well as in the VR space. As seen in the clip from within a VR creative workshop.
We all have mixed experiences from using video chat for meetings and teamwork. Afraid it’s going to be the same when introducing VR? You are right, so let us help you. We have made alot of mistakes and tried many methods and technologies to make your first encounters as positive and productive as possible. This is done by personalizing the onboarding experience and professional facilitation in tailor made tools. We provide a full service including gear, instructions, onboarding, facilitation and documentation. Go ahead and see for yourself by booking the sneak peak below.